
Fed Up in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word fed up.

The English word "fed up" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word fed up in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sa   [noun] feeling of disgust; feeling fed up more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. sawâ   [adjective] fed up with more...

More matches for "fed up" in Tagalog:

1.) nakakasa - [adjective] causing one to be fed up more...
2.) punong-punô - 1.) [adjective] very full; to the brim; crammed; 2.) [adjective] fed up; extremely angry; more...
3.) sawang-sawá - [adjective] completely fed up (with); very tired of more...
4.) sukang-su - [adjective] fed up; sick of more...
5.) pasawain - [verb] to make someone fed up more...
6.) song-ór - fed up with coconut milk; fed up; weary; tired; jaded; more...
7.) biklát - fed up; satiated; tired of something due to excessive exposure or repetition; tired; weary; over it; more...
8.) bulitiktík - [adjective] very full; to the brim; crammed; extremely angry; fed up more...
9.) pundakán - [adjective] very full; to the brim; crammed; extremely angry; fed up more...
10.) pankát - [adjective] very full; to the brim; crammed; extremely angry; fed up more...
11.) masu - [verb] to be disgusted; to be fed up more...
12.) pamuni - [adjective] very full; to the brim; crammed; extremely angry; fed up more...
13.) sonók - became satiated or tired from eating too much; satiated; fed up; glutted; surfeited; more...
14.) pagsawaan - [verb] to get tired of something; to get sick of something; to get fed up with something more...
15.) konsumido - having exhausted patience; extremely annoyed; frustrated; exasperated; irritated; fed up; more...

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