

Filipino / Tagalog language translation for the meaning of the word ipinahayag.
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The Tagalog word ipinahayág is the Filipino verb ipahayag » conjugated in the Completed aspect ( past tense )

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[verb] to announce something; to express something; to declare something

Verb conjugations of ipahayag:

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Root: hayagConjugation Type: Ipa-
Completed (Past):
Uncompleted (Present):
Contemplated (Future):
ipahayág  Play audio #38567
Completed (Past):
ipinahayág  Play audio #38568
Uncompleted (Present):
ipinaháhayág  Play audio #38569
Contemplated (Future):
ipaháhayág  Play audio #38570
Ipinahayag Example Sentences in Tagalog: (22)
Here are some hand-picked example sentences for this conjugation of this verb from this site's Filipino language editors.
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Gustó kong ipahayág ang aking damdamin.
Play audio #29870 Play audio #29871Audio Loop
I want to express my feelings.
Kailangan mong ipahayág ang nanalo.
Play audio #29826 Play audio #29827Audio Loop
You need to declare the winner.
Ipahayág mo ang iyóng sarili.
Play audio #29833 Play audio #29834Audio Loop
Express yourself.
Mahirap ipahayág ang mga bagay na hindî mo maunawaan.
Play audio #30808 Play audio #30809Audio Loop
It's difficult to express things that you don't understand.
Natuwâ akó nang ipayahág mo ang desisyón mo.
Play audio #36246Audio Loop
I was happy when you announced your decision.
Ipinahayág ni Lyka ang pagmamahál niyá kay Mateo.
Play audio #36245Audio Loop
Lyka expressed her love for Mateo.
Ipinahayág ng pangulo ang pagpápatupád ng batás militár.
Play audio #36244Audio Loop
The president declared the execution of martial law.
Ipinahayág ni Butch ang súsunód na CEO ng kompanyá.
Play audio #35974Audio Loop
Butch announced the next CEO of the company.
Ipinahayág nilá na akó ang magsasanay sa kanilá.
Play audio #35976Audio Loop
They announced that I would train them.
Ipinahayág ni Daniel ang pagkadismayá niyá.
Play audio #31581 Play audio #31582Audio Loop
Daniel expressed his dismay.
Ipinahayág na ba nilá ang nanalo sa patímpalák?
Play audio #32888 Play audio #32889Audio Loop
Have they announced the winner of the contest?
Ipinápahayág niyá ngayón ang súsunód na hakbáng.
Play audio #29839 Play audio #29840Audio Loop
She's announcing the next step right now.
Ipinápahayág ng magsasaká ang kaniláng mga hinaíng.
Play audio #35972Audio Loop
The farmers are expressing their frustrations.
Ipinápahayág ng pámahalaán ang posisyón nilá sa isyu.
Play audio #31583 Play audio #31584Audio Loop
The government is announcing their position on the issue.
Ipinápahayág sa radyo na suspendido ang mga klase.
Play audio #29837 Play audio #29838Audio Loop
The radio announces the suspension of classes.
Ipinápahayág kong hindî akó kailanmán mag-áasawa.
Play audio #29841 Play audio #29842Audio Loop
I declare that I will never marry.
Kailán ipápahayág ng gu ang resulta ng pagsusulit?
Play audio #36248Audio Loop
When will the teacher announce the result?
Ipápahayág ko ang mga plano sa pulong.
Play audio #35405 Play audio #35406Audio Loop
I will announce the plans in the meeting.
Ipápahayág ni Sierra ang mga paborito niyáng kandidato.
Play audio #36247Audio Loop
Sierra will announce her favorite candidates.
Ipápahayág ko ang pasasalamat ko kay Debra.
Play audio #31579 Play audio #31580Audio Loop
I will express my gratitude to Debra.
Ipápahayág ng bagong lider ang programa niyá.
Play audio #35970Audio Loop
The new leader will announce her programs.
Ipinahayág ng gu ang misyón at bisyón ng páaralán.
Play audio #49268Audio Loop
The teacher stated the school's mission and vision.

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