
14. Una una kaya kaya - Sadly Sober Podcast
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In this episode the boys are joined by guests Karisse (@delro_karisse), Chai (@anastasianeri) and Sandra (@sandscalil) as they talk about hidden dancing talents, the Mandalorian, and LeBron James becoming the NBA's all-time leading scorer. -- The Sadly Sober Podcast is a group of friends talking about recent events in their lives, and around the world over a few beers. The name is a gag since after every episode, sadly we're all still sober. Disclaimer: We do not promote alcoholism. Everyone should be drinking responsibly and in moderation. Listen to the podcast on: Spotify: Amazon Music: iHeart Radio: Feel free to connect with us if you have any business inquiries, suggestions, comments or concerns at
Sadly Sober Podcast
Run time: 51:35
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- Introduction of regular and guest participants
- Edward, Kev, Jander (regulars)
- Carice (returning guest and Edward's fiancée)
- Chai (Jander's girlfriend)
- Sandra (special guest)

- Drinking session with beer for the guys and tequila for the girls, who have already pre-gamed

- Discussion about Season 3 of The Mandalorian series
- Edward is a fan, but the others haven't watched it
- Mention of Obi-Wan and Boba Fett Series

- Basketball talk
- LeBron James becoming the all-time leading scorer in the NBA
- Various favorite basketball players of the hosts and guests
- Personal experiences with basketball

- Sandra's experience moving to Canada
- Sandra arrived in December 2019 and started a program in January 2020
- She studied Tourism and Hospitality and has a background in HRM (graduated from FEU Manila)
- Mention of basketball in the Philippines (UAAP and PBA)
- Sandra has not yet applied for permanent residency but plans to after one more visit to the Philippines

- Cheerleading and Dancing
- The hosts and guests share their experiences in high school cheerleading and dance, including K-pop dance routines

- Fun banter and jokes among the hosts and guests

- They touch upon Superbowl, with Rihanna's performance while pregnant

- Some trivia about Scotland's national animal being the unicorn

- Discussion of Philippine national symbols (e.g., national fish is bangus)

- Teasing and wordplay between the participants, including jokes and singing snippets of Filipino patriotic songs

- Conclusion of the episode, thanking guests for their participation

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
And welcome to another episode of Sadly Sober guys
We're here
May mga guest kami ngayon
Pero let's start with
Yung mga common yan na nagkita ng mukha
I'm Edward
Ako si Kev
Ako si Jander
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