
Senior High School Student Identify Everyday Products | Kwentong Kalikasan
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Mystery box challenge! Catergory: forest products! Makihula na!✨ For this episode, senior high school students compete to identify mystery items in a box that actually come from the forest. Discover how despite our distance from the forest, it’s closer to us than we think. It’s not too late to act now. Learn to appreciate our forests where our needs lie. Protecting the forests means protecting our communities. - This is part of the 7-Episode Kwentong Kalikasan TV-Magazine show composed of a series of intimate indoor conversations featuring honest stories of Mindanaoan that cover topics on forest conservation, indigenous narratives, biodiversity, science, environment, and everything in between. This is a joint project between AYEJ and Forest Foundation Philippines. #LetsGrowTogether #LetTheEarthBeHeard 🌍 Subscribe to Knowledge Channel YOUTUBE Channel: For Donors, Teachers and Learners: Knowledge Channel Foundation Inc. 3rd Floor
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Run time: 13:13
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I'm Chelsea, 18 years old and a senior student from U.S. Teach.
I'm Althea and I'm 17 years old and I'm from Mob Senior High School.
I am Laryu, I am an 18 year old ABM student from Xavier University Senior High School.
I'm Romar, I'm 18 years old, senior high school student in Luceo de Cadellan University.
So today we will play a mystery box game.
We have taken some items from all over Bukidnon and Misamis Reyntal.
And your job is to guess the item.
You have around 45 to 60 seconds to guess it.
Isulog ninyo, don't look at the box.
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