
My first baby shopping haul + 10k GIVEAWAY to lucky momSHEs!!! | Kris B, your ultimate SHE-zum! 🌻
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Welcome to my little momSHE life! I recently celebrated my showbiz anniversary by attending a baby fair at SM Megamall last March 16. My first-ever baby fair as an expectant mom was definitely a blast!! It feels surreal shopping not for myself anymore but this time for my little sunshine. Of course, I wouldn’t reach this milestone without my SHE-zums. As a way to thank you all, I went shopping for you and your babies as well. I will be giving away 10k worth of baby essentials to 2 lucky momSHEs!!! Find out the mechanics on how you can join this giveaway by watching my vlog!💖 _________________________________________________________________________ Hey SHE-zums! You’ve known me for quite a long time now. Thanks to my showbiz career, I got to showcase my love for acting and I can say I’m so blessed to have this kind of life. I may have played different roles in the limelight but I realized I haven’t really introduced the Kris Bernal behind the camera. So now, I’ve finally decided to do it. Every
Kris Bernal
Run time: 17:15
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Who is she?
Your ultimate SHIZZLE!
Hi, SHIZZLEs! Welcome to my YouTube channel!
And for today's vlog, it's my very first baby fair or baby event.
O, diba? Hindi ko alam po ano yung mga isa-shopping po
kasi hindi pa naon kami nagkakaroon yung fair ng mga classes about it.
Wala pa kami sa ganung stage pero very excited kami.
And this one is extra special because I'm celebrating my SHUWIZ anniversary.
Yes, I'm going to celebrate it differently.
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