
Best Workout Para Paliitin ang Puson at Alisin Ang Bilbil | GOODBYE BELLY POOCH & LOVE HANDLES!
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Para lumiit ang belly pooch (puson) at mawala ang love handles (bilbil), gawin ang 10 minute workout na ito for 30 days! Pwedeng gawin sa sofa, bed or floor. No equipment at beginner friendly. Effective ito for targeting and toning the lower abs and side abs to help burn belly pooch and love handles. Kayang kaya mo ito! For best results, sabayan mo ang belly pooch and lower ab workout na ito ng healthy diet with calorie deficit! Do this workout on an empty stomach or at least 2 hours after your meals. MY OUTFIT: brown and white padded tank top: SHOP MY FIT & HEALTHY DIET MEAL PLAN E-BOOK: Sign up for online personal fitness coaching: Limited slots only! If you are selected, you will receive an email containing the details and fees. Don't worry, you won't be charged yet unless you decide to enroll. Enroll in our "Sa
Kat Aglipay
Run time: 10:59
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Problemo mo ba nga ang belly coach at glove handles?
Dito sa floor workout na to, mas natatarget natin ang ating lower abs and thighs
na hindi masyadong ginagamit ang legs ng tulad sa standing workout natin.
And don't worry, dahil beginner friendly rin ito.
And no equipment needed, pero mas maganda kung meron kang yoga nga.
Excited ka na ba? Ako rin.
Kaya tara, start na tayo!
First move natin ay glute bridge pulses.
Push your hips to the sky.
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