
SALTY + SWEET + SOUR Pregnancy Cravings | Kris Bernal 🌻
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Hi SHE-zums! A lot has definitely changed in this pregnancy journey, not just with my body but with FOOD I eat as well. I started to eat food combos I never liked and even hated drinking water, which is super important! Despite all these sudden changes, I thrived and I'm happy to have my husband Perry beside me to make sure I still eat healthy balanced meal. So no more FOMO for you SHE-zums, finally dropping my weird pregnancy cravings. Enjoy watching! _______________________________________________________________________ Hey SHE-zums! You’ve known me for quite a long time now. Thanks to my showbiz career, I got to showcase my love for acting and I can say I’m so blessed to have this kind of life. I may have played different roles in the limelight but I realized I haven’t really introduced the Kris Bernal behind the camera. So now, I’ve finally decided to do it. Everyone, this is me… Next time you’ll hear my name, I hope you would think of me as your sister—your ultimate SHE-zum! Like, sh
Kris Bernal
Run time: 18:12
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Who is she?
Your Ultimate Shizzo!
Are you guys ready?
Last na, pwede ba ako makingingi ng isang sigawan para sa Team Blue?
Nasa naman ang Team Pink!
Are we good? Are we good? Are we good? Alright!
Let's play the final round!
In 3...
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