
Update sa COC ng Comelec: Mga Detalye, Spox. John Rex Laudiangco
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TARGET ON AIR ni Ka Rex Cayanong on DZME 1530 KHZ AM Lunes - Biyernes 3 - 4 ng Hapon (August 28, 2023) This uploaded video was authorized by the Host of the program #DZME1530​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​​ #targetonair
Ka Rex Cayanong
Run time: 14:21
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English Summary of Video (AI):
- Addressing pressing societal issues involving government agencies and personalities.
- Dissecting various issues, news, and discussions.
- Targeting corrupt practices and unveiling wrongdoings in the government.
- The stand is firm, without fear of offending those who are guilty.
- Airing grievances and calling out malpractices by Karex Cayano on "Target! Target! Target! On Air!"
- The segment is sponsored by Processed Dairy Essence Cheese, Purple Love Cafe, Green Rose Resort, and Robinson's Malls.
- First day update on the filing of Certificates of Candidacy (COC) for Barangay and SK (Sangguniang Kabataan) elections, which will last until September 2.
- Interview with the Comilex (Commission on Elections) spokesperson, Director John Rex Laudiangco.
- Q1: Requirements for submitting a COC for the Barangay and SK elections and how an ongoing case affects candidacy.
- Payment of a 30 pesos Documentary Stamp Tax to the Bureau of Internal Revenue is required.
- COCs lacking details, signatures, photos, or the required Documentary Stamp will not be accepted.
- Candidates who are not yet 18 years old by October 30 will not be accepted for Barangay elections. For SK, those not yet 18 or over 24 years old by October 30 are ineligible.
- Comilex aims to resolve all cases of nuisance candidates before the October 30 elections for a clean candidate roster.
- Discussion on the legality of campaign material and early campaigning ahead of the designated period.
- Once the COC is filed, the individual becomes a candidate, and all materials indicating candidacy, even indirect, are considered campaign materials.
- Campaign period is from October 19 to October 28, and adherence to election rules is stressed.
- Rules for the size of campaign materials will be strictly enforced during the campaign period to comply with the Fair Elections Act.
- Candidates have a spending limit of P5 per registered voter in their barangay for campaign expenses.
- Requirement to submit a Statement of Contribution and Expenditure to Comelec, detailing all contributions and expenses by November 29.
- All donated campaign materials must be reported in the expenditure account.
- Use of public funds, vehicles, and resources for campaigning must be reported to Comelec and the Commission on Audit for legal action.
- Evolution of the Comelec's strict monitoring of social media activities in relation to campaigning.

(Note: Due to the incomplete nature of the transcript, some points are based on the provided context and typical electoral processes in the Philippines.)

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Target ang mga masisilang isyo ng lipunan na sangkot ang ilang mga ahensa ng gobyerno at mga personalidad.
Hihimayain ang iba't ibang mga isyo, balita at usaping.
Puntirya ang mga tiwali at ilalantag ang mga mali sa pamahalaan.
Wala sa santukin, tamaan na ang tamaan.
Pungsalot ka sa bayan sa pulka ni Karex Cayano.
Sa Target! Target! Target! On Air!
Ang bahaging ito ay hatid sa inyo ng Processed Dairy Essence Cheese, Purple Love Cafe, Green Rose Resort at Robinson's Malls.
Update tayo sa first day ng filing ng Certificate of Candidacy na magtatagalo hanggang Sabado, hanggang September 2.
Ating kausapin ang SoQ natin.
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