
G3 Misa EPISODE # 210 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Welcome to the Paco's Place Podcast! In this exciting episode, we have the talented G3 Misa, a remarkable guitar player and songwriter who has collaborated with renowned artists such as MYST?RY, Introvoys, Geneva Cruz, Jett Pangan of the Dawn, Wency Cornejo, Shangheid, Cooky Chua, and the late Gary Ignacio of Alamid. Join us as G3 Misa opens up about the trials and tribulations he faced as a musician, providing valuable insight into the challenges that come with pursuing a career in the music industry. Discover the tough decisions he had to make along his journey, gaining a deeper understanding of the sacrifices and dedication required to thrive in this creative field. Don't miss out on this captivating conversation with G3 Misa, where we explore the highs and lows of his musical career. Tune in now to gain inspiration and valuable lessons from this talented musician. #G3Misa #PacoArespacochaga #pacosplace Try SENDWAVE and get a $20 bonus when you type in promo code PACO -
Paco's Place
Run time: 01:07:24
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