
7 DAY TRIP Destinations from TAIPEI • ENGLISH • The Poor Traveler in Taiwan
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While Taipei is a worthy destination in its own right, it is also surrounded by several interesting sites that tourists might want to check out! In this video, we’ll take you to some of the most popular day tour attractions that can easily be accessed from Taipei! Some of these are often bundled together so you can visit multiple sites in a day! For example Jiufen, Shifen and Yehliu geopark are usually part of a greater itinerary! ------- This video was shot before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now may not be a good time to travel but it's always a great time to plan a trip! But note that costs, hours and availability might have changed due to the pandemic, so contact the respective establishment directly for more updated info. ---------------- TAIPEI TRAVEL GUIDE with SAMPLE ITINERARY THINGS TO DO IN TAIPEI --------------- Videos by Leo Valencia, Mariah Cruz, Yosh Dimen
Run time: 08:56
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