
Pork Dinakdakan | Dinakdakan Recipe with Mayo | Panlasang Pinoy
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This video will show you how to cook pork dinakdakan using liempo or pork belly. This recipe is simple and easy to follow. You should be able to make this Ilocano dish with ease. Here are the ingredients: 2 lbs. liempo (pork belly) ½ cup Lady’s Choice Mayonnaise 3 tablespoons Knorr Liquid Seasoning 2 to 3 pieces lime (or 5 to 6 pieces calamansi) 2 pieces red onion, sliced into thin pieces 10 pieces Thai chili peppers, chopped 3 pieces long green pepper, sliced 1 teaspoon onion powder (optional) Salt and ground black pepper to taste 1 ½ quarts water Visit for more recipes
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 14:54
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