
TOKYO: Top 35 BEST THINGS TO DO & Tourist Spots (PART 1) • ENGLISH • The Poor Traveler in Japan
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There’s no running out of things to do and places to visit in Tokyo. But in this video, we’re trimming it down to the classics, those that you probably don’t wanna miss on your first visit to the capital of #Japan. Yes, they can get crowded, but they are popular for a reason. These sites can give you some of the best glimpses of the city, its unique beauty, long history, rich culture, and frenetic energy. -------------- This video was shot before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now may not be a good time to travel but it's always a great time to plan a trip! But note that costs, hours and availability might have changed due to the pandemic, so contact the respective establishment directly for more updated info. ---------------- TOKYO TRAVEL GUIDE with SAMPLE BUDGET ⬇⬇⬇ SAMPLE TOKYO ITINERARIES ⬇⬇⬇ TOKYO 2-DAY ITINERARY ⬇⬇⬇ https://www.thepoortravel
Run time: 14:29
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