
HACKED | Hunyo Animation | Pinoy Animation
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Hunyo Animation
Run time: 09:01
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are the specific bullet points summarizing the topics discussed in the video:

- The video creator woke up early on October 6, 2021, to start their day with breakfast and a bath, expecting it to be a typical busy day.
- While working on a drawing that needed to be submitted by evening, the creator attempted to log in to their Facebook using Gmail but faced login issues.
- They received a Google Security Alert on their phone and confirmed the activity, thinking nothing was amiss since they purposely logged in earlier.
- Later on, the video creator realized they couldn't verify their account, and upon checking their PC, they noticed the password was correct. The situation escalated when they saw a message saying their password had been changed 10 minutes ago.
- Feeling the account might be compromised, the creator panicked and reached out to friends for assistance, realizing they might have fallen victim to a hack or malware.
- Despite the concerns over the account, access to the YouTube channel persisted on the PC, offering a temporary relief.
- However, the creator accidentally signed out of their YouTube account, which led to the loss of access to their channel.
- The creator decided to focus on their work and projects with impending deadlines while dealing with the stress over the account.
- Later, during a call with their girlfriend, she encouraged the creator not to lose hope and believed a solution was possible.
- A friend later informed the creator that their YouTube account was live with someone else’s content, and the channel name and banner had been changed, erasing all previous videos and community posts.
- This confirmed the hack, prompting the creator to publicly post about the issue on their Facebook page and express gratitude to those who reported the unauthorized activity to YouTube.
- Over the following days, with help from a friend and the community's support, the creator worked to recover their account.
- On October 15, the helper called to inform the creator that their YouTube account had been recovered, with videos set to private (meaning they could be restored), although community posts were permanently lost.
- The creator enforced backup and security measures on their account to prevent future issues.
- The video ends with advice for viewers on improving account security, keeping an updated mobile number for notifications like Google Alerts, and avoiding unfamiliar links to prevent similar incidents.
- The creator expressed profound gratitude for the support and help from friends and the community, crediting them with the channel's recovery and continued presence.

- The creator signed off, thanked the viewers again, and said goodbye.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Okay, alam ko marami na sa inyo yung mga nakakaalam kung ano ba talaga yung nangyari sa YouTube channel ko.
At alam ko rin na may mga ilan-ilan dito na hindi pa.
Kaya nandito ako ngayon para ikwento sa inyo kung ano ba talaga yung nangyari sa YouTube channel ko.
October 6, 2021
Gumising ako noon ng maaga para mag-almuzal at maligo.
At para nasimulan na rin yung mga kailangan ko gawin sa araw na yun.
Sa una, akala ko na magiging isang normal na bising araw lang yun para sa akin.
Pero akala ko lang pala yun.
Umaga pa lang noon pero busy na ako agad mag-drawing kasi kailangan ko na yun mapasa bago maggabi.
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