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Pata Tim with Cuapao 1 onion, sliced 2 tablespoons minced garlic 2 tablespoons sliced ginger ¼ cup soy sauce ¼ cup oyster sauce 1-2 tablespoons rice wine 8 pieces star anise 1 teaspoon peppercorn 1-2 tablespoons fish sauce 2-3 tablespoons brown sugar Sesame oil 2-3 kg Pata (or mix of Pata, and pork belly or shoulder) 3-4 cups water 1 cup shitake mushrooms, dried Cuapao: 4 cups all-purpose flour (or bread flour) 1 ¾ cup water ¼ cup cooking oil 1 tablespoon yeast ¼ cup sugar 1 teaspoon salt Cilantro topping: 1 cup toasted peanuts Sprig of cilantro Sugar
Chef RV Manabat
Run time: 27:48
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