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Computer Shortcuts: Left / Right arrows to jump 2 seconds back or forward. +Enter or Space to toggle Play/Pause button. Full Screen Mode TRIPLE CHEESE DONUTS RECIPE EZ Donuts Ingredients: Milk - 500 ml White Sugar - 1 tsp Yeast - 14 g All Purpose Flour - 700g White Sugar 150 g Salt - 2 tsp Eggs - 3 EZ Donuts Procedure 1. Bloom the yeast by warming up the milk (110 f) and add the yeast and 1 tsp of sugar. Set aside for 5 minutes or until bubbles form. If bubbles didnt form, your yeast is expired. 2 Combine your bloomed yeast with all the ingredients and mix until just combined. Cover and leave for 20 mins. 3. After 30 mins, turn your mixture on a floured work surface and knead for around 10 mins. 4. After kneading, set aside for 1-2 hours or until it the dough has doubled in size. 5. Turn your dough on a floured work suface and with a rolling pin, flatten it to 1/4 to 1/2 inch thickness. 6. Using a circular cutter of your choice, cut your desired donut shape. 7. Leave them to rest on a heavily floured work surface, cover, and let rise for 1 hour. 8. When risen, fry the donuts in a 36
Ninong Ry
Run time: 09:12
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