
How to Make Potato Salad with Carrots and Pineapple
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This video will teach you how to make Potato Salad with Carrots and Pineapple. It is super easy and delicious. This is one of my favorite potato salad of all time. The complete recipe and details can be found here Potato Salad with Carrots and Pineapple ingredients: 3 pieces baking potato 2 pieces carrot 220 ml Lady's Choice Mayonnaise 20 ounces pineapple chunk 2 tablespoons onion,minced 1 tablespoon parsley, minced ΒΌ teaspoon ground black pepper 1 teaspoon granulated white sugar 6 cups water, for boiling Salt to taste
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 09:29
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