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Pacesetter towards Understanding the Hindsight of Noteworthy Stories from the Pandemic through Vlogging Yellow Creators The entire humanity was challenged by the global pandemic, enormous scale of the crisis and the impact brought by the pandemic caused a lot of fear, uncertainty and anxiety across the globe. However, the spirit of resilience served as stepping stone of everyone to withstand in any adversity and bounce back despite of the challenges and circumstances. Rizal National High School recognizes the high spirit of optimism despite of the adversities. PUHON: Stories from the Pandemic is a vlogging competition where aspirant vloggers will share noteworthy real-life stories from the pandemic. RNHS encourages young vloggers to share stories from different individuals about their experiences in overcoming the crisis caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. This storytelling through vlogging is striving as the PUHON means ‘hopefully, someday, and God’s time’ this activity will put the spotlight on someone�
Sir Jr's Channel
Run time: 09:02
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