
How to Plan a Trip to TOKYO • BUDGET TRAVEL GUIDE • ENGLISH • The Poor Traveler in Japan
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Tokyo is zen but wacky, chaotic but organized, minimalist but vibrant, traditional but futuristic, and efficient but absolutely insane. And it can easily drive first-time visitors crazy. But fret not because in this video, we’ll share with you some practical tips that could hopefully help you plan a hassle-free Tokyo adventure. -------------- This video was shot before the COVID-19 pandemic. Now may not be a good time to travel but it's always a great time to plan a trip! But note that costs, hours and availability might have changed due to the pandemic, so contact the respective establishment directly for more updated info. ---------------- TOKYO TRAVEL GUIDE with SAMPLE BUDGET ⬇⬇⬇ SAMPLE TOKYO ITINERARIES ⬇⬇⬇ TOKYO 2-DAY ITINERARY ⬇⬇⬇ TOKYO 5-DAY ITINERARY ⬇⬇⬇ https
Run time: 18:05
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