
2 testigo vs De Lima, 2018 pa gusto umatras, kaso…
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 09:45
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... At ano ang hearing ng Monday, si Magleo sa presyenta dapat ng prosecution, we didn't know exactly what would be the tenor of his testimony. Meron niya sinumpangsala sa iyo before pero alam mo naman marami silang diradagdag siya at hindi mo alam kung extent ng bagong kasi nagalingan niya niya sa sabihin usually pagkakagagay niya sa witness stand.
... Pero bago siya maipresenta sa witness stand noong umaga, kapag karating may inabot siya ng konti habang may nakatingin ang bardya, inabot niya kay Sen. Ledlima mismo yung sulat. Nagulat si Sen. Ledlima kaya itong pagbasa niya, ang sulat na kumalat na ngayon na they are, and I quote, sinabi, we are recanting our testimonies against you...
... for several reasons with the primordial objective to help you both to be free together with your fellow co-accused in the last case. We both plan to recant as early as 2018." Yan ang sinabi ng dalawa witnesses na ito noong maaga pa lamang.
... Pero nung panahon na yan Christian as you would understand as lawyers nakita namin ang pangiipit, hindi namin alam kung ito ay script, ito may pain sa amin. Kasi pag sinabi namin yan, dilabas namin at sabihin niya hindi totoo yan, gawag gawan nila yung sulit na yan, yare.
... So medyo nag-approach the bench kami because it's an explosive incident. Ang nangyari kasi si Magleo nilagay muna sa witness stand, nag-oath na siya. Ganoon pa, to tell the truth and nothing but the truth sabi niya.
... At yung pirmang makikita niya dyan, pirm ako. So kino-confirm niya, under oath. Kino-confirm na lang Sarah pa lang na judge at under oath pa siya. At that particular point in time, the prosecution then decided to withdraw him as a witness instead of cross-examining his testimonies, the veracity or the authenticity of that particular letter.
... The prosecution instead withdrew him as a witness because they said he turned hostile against the cause of the prosecution. So ang aming stand doon, nag-recant na siya kasi sinabi niya, we are recanting our testimonies."
... And he did so in front of the judge and then what he said categorically, they said categorically in the letter is we are recanting our testimonies."
Q1. Kamusta naman yung dalawang witnesses na ito? Si Rodolfo Magleo at si Nonilo Arile. Hindi ba sinaktan? Wala bang harassment na nangyari as far as you know after? Or buhay pa ba sila?
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