
Penalties (Articles 21-23 of the Revised Penal Code)
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What is a penalty? 0:37 What is the purpose of the State in punishing crimes? 2:16 What are the penalties that may be imposed? 3:05 What is the nature of the penalties in the RPC? 4:36 Do penal laws have retroactive effect? 6:58 What is the effect of a repeal of a penal law? 8:31 What is the effect if the private offended party (victim) pardons the offender? 11:10 What is the underlying reason why in crimes against chastity, they cannot be prosecuted de officio? 24:43 Is rape still considered a crime against chastity considering that it is mentioned in the 3rd paragraph of Article 344? 26:33 What is the effect if the offender subsequently marries the victim of seduction, abduction, acts of lasciviousness, and rape? 27:32 If the victim in rape merely pardons the offender but does not marry him, will it extinguish the criminal action or remit the penalty already imposed? 29:23 Can the civil liability (payment of damages) of the offender be waived by the victim or be the subject of compromise? 30:47
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 32:21
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