
Bakit galit na galit si Duterte kay De Lima?
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 05:28
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Sa pagkakaalam nyo, ano po ba yung punot dulo ng galit, puot o gigil sa inyo ni former President Duterte?
It dates back doon sa CHR days, in 2009, when I initiated the investigation into the DBS killings, CHR.
Na pumunta kami sa Davao, nagkanda kami ng series of public inquiries there into the DBS killings, which are attributed to him as the, again, the mastermind of those killings.
Now, which were the subject of the report of then UN Special Rapporteur for Human Rights, Philip Alston.
There was also the report of Human Rights Watch.
So, nung nabasa ko yung mga reports na yun, tapos pinag-validate ko rin doon sa local office ng CHR, we decided to conduct a public inquiry, a series of public inquiry.
And in fact, the very first resource person that we summoned was then Mayor Rodrigo Duterte.
And in that public hearing, there was really an intense exchange.
Between the two of us, I was calling him out for his failure to act on those unresolved killings of petty criminals, which were attributed to the so-called Davao Death Squad.
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