
Jao Mapa Nagbenta ng Painting na 900k!!! Chinkee Tan Reacts!
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Jao Mapa is a Filipino dating pinakakinikiligan ng mga pinoy bilang marinee idol actor at ngayon ay isang visual artist. He gained recognition in the Philippines for his acting career, primarily during the 1990s. Mapa appeared in various television shows and movies, often playing roles in romantic comedies and drama series. He was known for his good looks and charismatic on-screen presence. For only small amount, you can already watch all my video courses for 1 year! Yes! Unlimited Access For All Videos For One Year!!! Click here to register: In recent years, Jao Mapa has transitioned into the world of visual arts, specifically painting. He has been actively pursuing his passion for painting and has showcased his artworks in exhibitions. Ngayon kaharap niya si Boss Toyo at binebenta niya ang kanyang painting sa halagang P900,000 pesos! Ano kaya magpakakasunduan nila? #chinkeetan #jaomapa #rdr #painting #bosstoyo #pawnstars #collection #artwork Watch our playlist! EA
Chink Positive
Run time: 09:59
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Si Jao Mapa nagbenta ng painting na worth 900,000 pesos kay Bostoyo.
Ang tanong, nabenta ba siya? At kung magkano? Yan ang pag-uusapan po natin.
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Hi there, this is Shigitan, your Pambansang World Coach.
In our episode, we are going to talk about lessons that we can learn from the bentahan of the painting.
Okay, ni Jao Mapa, kay Bostoyo, at kasama na rin si Boss RDR.
Kung ano po nangyayari sa bentahan ng painting, let us watch this.
900,000? So, tawag lang ako ng isang kaibigan ko na mahilig bumili ng art ngayon.
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