
Pres. PNOY Aquino Darling of the PRESS and MAGNET of Investors SEE his BRILLIANCE
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Walang Pagmumura, Panlalait, Pandudusta o Drama. Ganyan si PNOY, halos ayaw pakawalan ng Media dahil may Sense ang bawat sinasabi. Sayang napakarami lang kasing insecure sa Talino niya, kaya nagsipagmagaling lahat sila sa pag aakalang mas mahusay sila kaysa sa The Best President Ever Noynoy Aquino iii.
Michael Apacible Bulletin
Run time: 13:44
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increase. And the initial solution that we had sought to employ to address that increase
is not panning out. Yung ang daming issues, for instance, yung PNCC franchise,
doon pagkukunin sana yung pagpabawas, kailangan na ma-recover ng investors.
Mayroon rin yung conflict, syempre, doon sa idea ng huwag natin babaguhin yung mga patakaran
pag tapos na nangyayay investor dito, may implications sa future investors in our country.
So I actually am hoping to meet Secretary Purisima today and Kim Henares also.
And si Secretary Purisima just came back from setting the groundwork for the U.S. trip.
Yung roadshow na gagawin natin to invite investors. So I'm hoping that he has recovered from jet lag
and we'll be able to meet today and to address that.
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