
Panloloko ba ang sobrang pag-edit ng picture? (GWAPULIS Reaction)
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Panloloko ba ang sobrang pag-edit ng picture? (GWAPULIS Reaction) gwapulis,gwapulis 2016,kmjs gwapulis,gwapulis winners,gwapulis updates,gwapulis ng leyte,family feud gwapulis,gwapulis and runner rocky,grand winner of gwapulis 2016,runner rocky with the gwapulis,family feud gwapulis full episode,runner rocky interviews gwapulis,trending na guwapulis ng leyte,#gwapulis #richardpangilinan #rampmodel,gwapong pulis,pulis,gwapo,pulis trending,kawali,gma public affairs,kapuso mo jessica soho full episode,public affairs claro the third,claro the third scary,claro the third horror story,claro the third scary stories,claro the third pogi,claro the third stories,claro the third cringe,claro the thrid stories,claro the third fail,claro the third horror,claro the third conspiracy theory,claro the third conspiracy theories,claro the third story,claro the third fails,claro the third filipino moments,claro the third true crime,claro the third urban legend,claro michael v parody raining in manila,raining in manila parody
Claro the Third
Run time: 11:40
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Sentro ng kontrobersya, ang viral na gwapulis na ibaraw ang photo sa itsura sa KMJS.
Anong say niyo?
Gwapo naman ha.
In order.
At ito daw yung dumating.
So meron ngayon na binabash na pulis.
Actually nakita ko lang din to.
Hindi naman kasi ako nanonood lang KMJS.
Sabi nila, sobrang gwapo daw sa post.
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