
Imposible daw agad eh! May nag react agad ng garne eh! Teka nga! 😜
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Imposible daw agad eh! May nag react agad ng garne eh! Teka nga! 😜 #queenay #inaylen #batangueña #kainaman
Queenee Mercado
Run time: 03:18
Has AI Subtitles

English Summary of Video (AI):
- Discussion about someone who doesn't believe in the person speaking due to a comment made on a previously uploaded video.
- The speaker expresses dislike for the constant need for communication in a relationship, such as daily video calls and texts.
- Mention of the monotony that may occur in relationships when there's nothing new to talk about, leading to arguments.
- Talks about the natural progression of relationships where eventually couples might run out of topics, leading to silence or quarrels.
- A scenario where longing in a relationship is discussed; missing the sight and presence of a partner, and the importance of being visited.
- A hint of warning about the speaker's tough persona when in a relationship, especially towards a partner who does not visit or invest time.
- Comments on the inconsistency of some partners in a relationship, referring to them as "sala sa lamig, sala sa init" (indecisive or inconsistent).
- The necessity of explicitly asking a partner to visit, indicating a lack of initiative from the partner's side.
- Concerns about becoming more frightening or intimidating to a partner due to unaddressed needs and increased stress within the relationship.
- Lastly, there's a hint at the consequence of lack of communication and visitation, implying potential conflict or breakup.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Yan, peryana. Yan na nga. May nag-comment na nga agad.
Aba yan, hindi nga naniniwala sa iyo.
Ang sabi, nako, imposible.
O, imposible nga naman ah.
Yung kanina, yung ini-upload mong video na sabi mo eh,
ayaw mo na lagi nagpapangita ang mag-boyfriend.
Ayaw ko nga nga ngayang-ngayang.
Siya naman ipapalapasin ko eh, pag siya nakarating dito sa atin agang-aga.
O, pero inyo naman, hindi ka siya nagsasawa sa aking mukha.
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