
Justice Carpio: Duterte 'parrot' ng China
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Inisa-isa ni retired SC Justice Tony Carpio ang mga perwisyong dulot ng pro-China policy ni former President Rodrigo Duterte.
Christian Esguerra
Run time: 09:25
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Alam natin yung nakara-administrasyon very close sa China. And in fact, kahit tapos na yung termina ni President Duterte, nakipag-meeting pa kay Xi Jinping, meron bang denial na malinaw coming from him na at least hindi siya nag-agree dito sa hindi pag-transport ng large-scale building materials?
Well, it's possible during his term, nag-continue yan. Pero wala pa rin mapakita ang China na agreement, na evidence.
But during the time of President Duterte, alam naman natin na talagang siya, he was parroting the Chinese line. So hindi na kailangan ng agreement on his own, gagawin niya yun.
Kasi, you know,
look at what President Duterte did, yung naging presidente niya. Ang unang sinabi niya sa Navy natin, patrol only the territorial sea in the West Philippine Sea. Do not go beyond the territorial sea.
Eh, that means, pamigay na natin yung waters beyond our territorial sea, beyond 12 nautical miles, huwag na ninyo bantayan yan. Pamigay na natin yan. That's the meaning of that.
Patrol only the territorial sea. Sinabi niya yan eh. And that is against the Constitution. Kasi, the Constitution says, the state must protect its marine wealth in its exclusive economic zone.
Eh, sinabi niya sa instruction niya, verbal instruction, public ha, nakapublish ito. Pero, mabuti na lang yung mga Navy natin, the Navy officers, hindi sinunod si Duterte.
Eh, sabi nila,
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