
Should PH ban TikTok amid China’s influence operations?
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Christian Esguerra
Run time: 08:24
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This is part and parcel of hybrid warfare. Ito yung sinasabi mo kanina, Christian, na what China does is just below the level of kinetic warfare, yung quote-unquote gray zone tactics.
And part of gray zone tactics is what is known as cognitive warfare. Creating gaps, creating fault lines in the public, creating misinformation so as to doubt the government position.
Ito yung special committee na binuo sa National Security Council. Tapos na yung recommendations ng committee ito. It's actually on my desk.
I will soon forward it to National Security Advisor Ed Año. I think after Holy Week, kasi our recommendation is for the issuance of a memorandum circular to all government officials about the use of TikTok.
Okay, so ayoko lang pangunahan yung approval ni NSA Año, Christian. Baka mapagalitan ako.
But just to, we have studied it and we have made recommendations to him about some form of regulation sa TikTok.
Pag pinagalitan ka pa, pwede bang sabihin mo na lang? Ang kulit ko kasi.
Maglabas ang memorandum circular, ibig sabihin, huwag gamitin o huwag mag-download ng TikTok? Yun ba yung tinutumbok niyan?
Okay, kasi nung natanong ako nito a few months back, our recommendation was,
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