
Trillanes: ICC warrant papalapit na nang papalapit
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Former Senator Sonny Trillanes says the ICC arrest warrant will likely be issued against Rodrigo Duterte et al. within the year.
Christian Esguerra
Run time: 08:29
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Based on our information, palapit na tayo ng palapit doon sa most important issuance of warrant of arrest.
Can you elaborate further dito? Kasi mga ilang beses niya rin binanggit, ang prediction niyo is second quarter maglalabas ng arrest warrant ng ICC.
Can you talk about how credible that information is that you got?
Di sinabi natin noon, di ba na, late second quarter maglalabas yung warrant.
Remember, ano lang ito, I'm getting the information from persons who are privy to the investigation.
While it is true that the ICC is engaging with me as part of the first who filed the communication,
with the ICC. Pero yung mga updates sa progreso na investigation, eh bawal yan na makuha, na sabihin nila sa akin directly.
So I'm getting it elsewhere. At ito naman, sabi ko nga, simula nung pag-update sa amin nung yun nga,
preliminary examination, investigation, pati yung pagbasura nung, ano ah, nung,
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