
Detached in Tagalog

The best Filipino / Tagalog translation for the English word detached.

The English word "detached" can be translated as the following words in Tagalog:

Best translations for the English word detached in Tagalog:
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. tukláp   [adjective] peeled off; detached more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. suwelto   separated or freed; not attached or confined; detached; loose; free; more...
This is an especially good Filipino word match for the English keyword you've searched for. bumaklás   [verb] to detach; to break off more...

More matches for "detached" in Tagalog:

1.) matanggál - [verb] to detach something (OF); to become detached (AF); to be able to detach something (OF); to be removed (AF); to remove something (OF); to be unlaced (AF); to get rid of something (OF); to be fired from a job Example Sentences Available Icon11 Example Sentences Available » more...
2.) manhíd - [adjective] numb; detached more...
3.) kalás - [adjective] detached; removed; freed from more...
4.) tagtág - removed from being attached; detached; disconnected; separated; unfastened; more...
5.) pamamanhíd - [adjective] numb; detached more...
6.) mabaklás - [verb] to be detached; to be able to be detached more...
7.) apartado - far or distanced from others; separated; isolated; detached; remote; more...
8.) pigtál - [adjective] detached; ripped off more...
9.) dalingsíl - became separated because of incorrect placement; disconnected; detached; disjoined; disassembled; more...
10.) magkatanggal - [verb] to become disjoined, detached, etc. more...
11.) litáng - unsteady, loose, or detached, and usually refers to the steps of a ladder or staircase; unsteady; loose; detached; more...
12.) tallikuden - [adjective] detached; removed; freed from more...
13.) hiklás - peeled off, torn, or detached; peeled; torn; detached; ripped; flaked; more...
14.) nahalit - [adjective] detached, torn or rent by force more...
15.) magkabaklas - [verb] to become disjoined, detached, etc. more...
16.) tikláp - [adjective] peeled off; detached more...
17.) lugon - plucked; the state of fruits, leaves, flowers, and similar items being picked or detached from their attachments; the shedding of hair, feathers, and similar.; detached; picked; shed; more...
18.) malatu - having no concern for whatever is happening around; indifferent; apathetic; unconcerned; disinterested; detached; more...
19.) lagpî - torn off; severed; torn; ripped; detached; more...
20.) tanggalín - [verb] to remove something; to disconnect something; to detach something; to unfasten something; to abolish someone/something Example Sentences Available Icon6 Example Sentences Available » more...
21.) magtanggál - [verb] to remove; to detach more...
22.) baklasín - [verb] to break something off; to force something open; to rip something down; to detach something more...
23.) makatanggál - [verb] to be able to unfasten; to be able to detach; to be able to remove more...
24.) matukláp - [verb] to peel; to detach more...

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