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*** Important: Non-members of can search up to 8,024,827 words of sample text, however registered members have access to a larger body of sample text including 24,008,381 words. That's equivalent to 291 three-hundred page novels worth of text in Tagalog! Consider creating an account - it's 100% free and gives you access to all features of this site.***

Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "itakip, itinakip, itinatakip, itatakip"...  

Results found by count:  
itatakip: 1 instances found

itakip: 1 instances found

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...meron dun na parang stopper ng tubig, tanggalin mo nalang muna yung tali para di tumaas tas itakip mo para magstop yung paglabas ng tubig ang hirap ng ganyan, masakit umasa lalo na di sya nailang or lumayo nung nag confess ka.. or wala man lang syang exact na response.. tang inang feels yan Patalbugin sa banyo ang mga bola....
...I enjoyed them by meeting other people and listening to speakers. If I was in Kyah Wel's position itatakip ko yung palm ko sa face ng contestant. Since nagpakilala na si u/Albus_Reklamadore, ako din. Hihi I'm MuthamphetaX (read as mu-tam-fey-tha-Ex). Official tambay since May 16, 2018 after 4 super stressful but super fun years in a...

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.