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*** Important: Non-members of can search up to 8,024,827 words of sample text, however registered members have access to a larger body of sample text including 24,008,381 words. That's equivalent to 291 three-hundred page novels worth of text in Tagalog! Consider creating an account - it's 100% free and gives you access to all features of this site.***

Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "tsupain, tsupaing, tsinupa, tsinupang, tsinutsupa, tsinutsupang, tsutsupain, tsutsupaing"...  

Results found by count:  
tsinutsupa: 1 instances found

tsupain: 1 instances found

Share these search results » this. Here's an exclusive transcript based on my sources, hope this helps: ">shit ate, Angel, tsupain mo naman ako'" utos pa nito. Pansin ko sa playlists ko e most nung nakahiligan ko na alternative rock songs (Coldplay, Lifehouse, etc) sila pa rin gusto ko. Listening to those songs on MYX (wala pa ako cellphone nung high school e) when it was still good. Friendster days... Ivatan. Dafaq hahahahahah. May narinig rin akong tsimis na matatangkad ang ibang gays dahil tsinutsupa nila kanilang sarili. Stretching at its finest. Yaya please. Kakatapos lang ng Valentines tapos magpapatama ka ng ganyan :'( Kung more than twice ka mag taxi/grab share. Masmaganda mag rent ka nalang ng kotse Speaking of which, bakit dalawang klaseng Maling ang nasa shelves?...

Display count: 2

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.