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Search Results:
Scanning 8,024,827+ words in "Default / Mix" for "yuta, yutang"...  

Results found by count:  
yutang: 2 instances found

yuta: 1 instances found

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...Mipahimangnu usab ang PAGASA sa mga molupyo sa Luzon sa posibilidad nga pagbaha ug pagdahili sa yuta tungod sa ulan. Samtang isolated rainshowers usab ang gipaabot sa ubang bahin sa nasud tungod sa localized thunderstorms. () Davao Oriental gitay-og sa magnitude nga 3.5 nga linog Gitay-og sa...
...independence. * Regarded as the Father of Cebuano Language and Letters. * His play "Paghigugma sa Yutang Natawhan" (Love of Native Land), dramatized the Cebuano people's heroic struggle against Spanish feudal rule in the modern realist mode. He also wrote the first published Cebuano short story ("Maming",...
...* Sotto is regarded as the Father of Cebuano Language and Letters. * Sotto's play "Paghigugma sa Yutang Natawhan" (Love of Native Land), dramatized the Cebuano people's heroic struggle against Spanish feudal rule in the modern realist mode. He also wrote the first published Cebuano short story ("Maming",...

Display count: 3

* If you need audio examples, try searching in the Listening Practice audio transcripts or the Example Sentences entries.