
Filipino Language Pronunciation Overview

Mark Complete

Learning how to properly pronounce Filipino letters and words is a critical first step in your journey to learn the Filipino language.

The lessons in this section will give you a solid foundation from which you'll be able to start learning and speaking the language properly.

Children learning the Filipino language in the Philippines are given a simple rule for spelling and speaking: “Kung ano ang bigkas, siya ang baybay," meaning: A word is pronounced just as it is spelled, and vice versa.

Getting pronunciation right is so important! Have you ever heard someone speaking English and using all the right words, but still being incredibly difficult to understand? That's because they haven't correctly studied the sounds of the language and where the stress is located in the words they've memorized.

In Filipino You Say It How It's Spelled!

The great thing about the Filipino language is that once you know how the letters, vowels, and letter pairings (diphthongs) are pronounced you will almost always know how to pronounce a word based on how it's spelled. This is unlike in English where the letter "u", for example, can have multiple pronunciations ( "cut", "put", "cute" )

In saying and spelling a Filipino word, things are pronounced as they are spelled and vice versa.

In the upcoming sections we'll show you how to pronounce words correctly and speak with a Filipino accent.

Mark Complete

Next: Philippines Spelling 101 (Country & People)

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Filipino Language Pronunciation & Spelling
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