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Author Photo Lumincia
Jun 09 2020, 5:29pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My username is Lumincia. I am from Hawaii and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to travel to the Philippines one day~
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Author Photo faithhh
Jun 09 2020, 7:04pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Faith. I am from the United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I am half-Filipina myself, but do not know the language because I live in America. I've been studying it for two years now, but have not gotten anywhere. Give me courage!
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Author Photo Pnkrok81
Jun 09 2020, 8:09pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Pnkrok81. I am living in St. Johns, Florida and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language wife is Filipina but, we don't speak/know her Cultural language. I'm Italiano & was never taught the language except what I picked-up when visiting family in Italia. That made me feel some sort of way for not being taught & I don't want my kids to feel some sort of way for me not teaching them either. I'm happy to be here on my Filipino learning journey! God Bless!!!
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Author Photo booradness
Jun 09 2020, 10:41pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is booradness. I am from California and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....
I love the culture and the people. There are quite of a few that speak Tagalog in California and I would love to get to know them better.
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Author Photo DragonDanger
Jun 10 2020, 12:10am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is DragonDanger. I am from the United States and I am a Beginner Filipino language student. I am studying the Filipino language because most of my family speaks it (And because they're gossipy Filipinos) I always hear my name but don't know what they are saying about me! I also visited the Philippines once and was very intrigued. I have been trying to learn some filipino but it has been quite boring using another app...this site seems AMAZING though!
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Author Photo cantaloupeman
Jun 10 2020, 1:07am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Anne. I am from California and I am a Intermediate Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I want to be literate in Tagalog. I was born in the Philippines but, I left when I was 6. I know how to speak basic conversations because my parents still speak Tagalog to me. However, I do not know how to read and write in Tagalog. I want to improve my skills over the summer so I can become more in touch with my culture and communicate with my parents more effectively
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Author Photo Noeleaze
Jun 10 2020, 1:40am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Noeleaze. I am from USA, Los angeles and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because my dad is Filipino but never taught my sister and I but always wanted to learn .
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Author Photo mikesaga Badge: Native Tagalog Speaker
Jun 10 2020, 7:24am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is mikesaga. I am from Philippines and I am a Advanced Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because wanted to learn more about my native language
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Author Photo MisaiNi
Jun 10 2020, 11:43am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is MisaiNi. I am from Brazil and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....I want to understand more and I want translate some amateur books from Wattpad those are more like fanfics.
I found one specifically and I have to read and know what is talking beacuse I'm curious about it; I'd like to translate. The programs and dramas too.
It's amazing new languages ^^
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Author Photo kali
Jun 10 2020, 1:02pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is kali. I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because....I want to
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Author Photo TnPhil
Jun 10 2020, 3:00pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is TnPhil. I am from Middle Tennessee and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because it is an amazing culture and I think the Philippines would be a great place to visit.
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Author Photo mattn571
Jun 10 2020, 6:44pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is mattn571. I am from Tennessee and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because my wife is from Cagayan de Oro on the island of mindanao
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Author Photo haawnee
Jun 10 2020, 7:02pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! I am a new learner of Tagalog. I have always wanted to learn, but I have not taken proper steps to do so.
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Author Photo halmaclean
Jun 10 2020, 9:54pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is Hal. I am from the UK but now living in Manila and I am hoping to improve my understanding and use of Tagalog. I believe it will help me in social and business situations, but more importantly, it is arrogant of me to think everyone will simply switch to English to accommodate me.
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Author Photo neoace92
Jun 10 2020, 10:53pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Hello! My name is neoace92. I am from Melbourne, Australia and I am a Beginner Filipino language student.
I am studying the Filipino language because I have a nice Filipino team working with and wanted to have more fun with the team.
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