
Question: Tagalog speakers - my interests and relevance to the P

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Author Photo by: GuttermanKhan
May 10 2020, 10:42pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Question: Tagalog speakers - my interests and relevance to the Philippines lies in the Visayas and Mindanao due to the people I know in those places. I chose to start learning Tagalog because it was the most accessible language to learn, but I realize I need to learn Cebuano or “Bisaya.” Do you think that I’m at an advantage having a short background in Tagalog, for learning Bisaya? What might be some of the major grammatical differences between the two languages?
Gutterman Khan, GC, AZ, USA
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Author Photo akosikoneho
May 10 2020, 10:51pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Does learning Romanian help with Spanish? Yes, but its a weird way to do it. book_series=PALI-Lan guage-Texts%E2%80%94 Philippines&pag
Go here and do the Cebuano-Bisaya courses. p
This is the "tagaloglessons dictionary" for Cebuano-Bisaya (yes i know its on, but its for allCebuano).
If you want to learn Cebuano learn Cebuano, don't learn Tagalog to learn Cebuano. Tagalog is typologically very divergent from most Central Philippine languages because of its close proximity to Central Luzon languages (in particular Kapampangan). It is like Romanian (very Balkan and Slavic and divergent) compared to Spanish (much more typical Romance language).
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Author Photo GuttermanKhan
May 10 2020, 11:10pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
Thank you
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Author Photo GuttermanKhan
May 11 2020, 12:13am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
The cross-family comparison was very intriguing!
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Author Photo akosikoneho
May 11 2020, 1:08am CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
If you are interested in reading Cebuano bVw by @leosmith supports Cebuano. here is an inactive cebuano discord I help moderate. The owner of this discord is very active on facebook with a group chat there as well, he is less active on discord. my own discord server which is linked on the resources tab of this website, we cover all languages in the Philippines.
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Author Photo GuttermanKhan
May 11 2020, 3:00pm CST ~ 3 years, 12 mos ago. 
@akosikoneho Thanks for the resources!
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