
TRES ISTORYA | Aswang | Multo | Engkanto | Lamanlupa | True Story
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TRES ISTORYA | Aswang | Multo | Engkanto | Lamanlupa | True Story JOIN Xethennial Membership: - Unique Badge and Emoji sa live chat at comment section - Shout-out sa new members/renewed members sa simula ng video Email: mga kwento ni Thelmo channel: Xeth Tagalog Horror Animation: Sir Xeth channel: Facebook Account: Facebook Page: 1. 2. Instagram: #PinoyHorrorStories #TagalogHorrorStories #MgaKwentoNiThelmo
Mga Kwento Ni Thelmo
Run time: 36:16
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English Summary of Video (AI):
Here are specific bullet points detailing the topics discussed in the video:

- Jay shares his story of first experiencing supernatural encounters as a child.
- In 2005, Jay and his siblings stayed at their aunts' apartment in a subdivision in Calamba City, Laguna, where he instantly felt a heavy atmosphere upon entering the house.
- Jay's cousin, Jela, was seen talking to an unseen friend named Alfred while on the terrace.
- During a game, Jay felt the need to urinate and encountered a frightening boy with glaring eyes while ascending the stairs, but his uncle's sudden appearance helped him escape.
- The uncle who seemingly escorted Jay upstairs was actually away at the store, revealing that Jay might have been accompanied by a ghostly presence.
- After more peculiar events, everyone, including the non-believers in Jay's family, eventually experienced strange occurrences, leading to their decision to move out.
- Upon moving, they learned about the tragic past of the site, involving a family that died in a fire in a small shack previously located there.
- Post-move, Jay continues to see things beyond the ordinary.

In a separate story:
- Kay shares her experiences while pregnant with her first child.
- She eloped and lived in a place in Dasma where strange encounters and an unseen presence terrorized her and her partner, with entities peeking through windows and unsettling noises.
- Later, they moved to a house provided by Kay's aunt in Silang, where she experienced tormenting allergies thought to be supernatural in nature.
- A healer informed Kay that she had been targeted by supernatural beings, which was remedied through spiritual methods suggested by the healer.
- During her second pregnancy in Palawan, Kay faced more eerie encounters, including a large cat entity entering their home, heavy footsteps on the roof, and other unexplainable phenomena that left her scared for her children's safety.

In another story:
- Dodong from Cebu City recounts how he acquired the ability to see supernatural entities after an incident when he was 7 years old.
- During a birthday celebration, Dodong climbed a dark tree (kulo) to retrieve a balloon and saw a fearful neighbor warning him of an 'agta' (a large supernatural being similar to a kapre) behind him.
- Dodong fell but mysteriously only ended up with a broken arm despite the fall's height.
- The neighbor later explained she saw an agta blowing smoke at Dodong and handling him with care during the fall, which seemed to protect him from worse injuries.

These three main narratives in the video involve supernatural encounters and unexplained events related to different individualsā€™ experiences with ghostly presences and entities.

Video Transcript / Subtitles:( AI generated. About AI subtitles » )
Itago niyo na lamang po ako sa pangalang Jay.
Panganay ako sa aming magkakapatid.
Nagsimula akong makakita ng mga kakaibang nila lang noong bata pa ako.
Taong 2005, tumira sa isang apartment ang mga tiyahin ko.
Lagi kaming pungupunta sa kanila noong mga panahon na ito dahil iniwan kaming magkakapatid sa kanila para makapagtrabaho ang mga magulang namin.
Kasama ko doon ang mga kapatid ko na itago na lamang din natin sa pangalang Jerry ang pangalawa at siya'y naman ang bunso.
Kasama din namin ang aming mga tiyahin na halos kaedad lamang namin na sina Jem Jem ang panganay at Jela naman ang bunso.
Kaedad ko ang tiyahin kong si Jem Jem at kaedad naman ang pangalawa kong kapatid si Jela.
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