
Is this the end for USDC?
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USDC stablecoin has $3.3B of its reserves in Silicon Valley Bank and people are now wondering what will happen. Will USDC be the next stablecoin to fall like TerraUSD? or will it survive and ultimately show its strength. Only time can tell. #usdc #usdt #stablecoin #siliconvalleybank #siliconvalley Interested in crypto? Here are my referral links to get you started. OKX Binance Use my referral link to sign up for and we both get $25 USD :)
Chris Tan
Run time: 04:32
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Someone asked me, what do I think will happen to the USDC, the stablecoin issued by Circle now that Silicon Valley Bank or SVB has recently collapsed?
Now, for those that don't know, USDC is a stablecoin that is a cryptocurrency pegged to the US dollar that's issued by Circle and Coinbase.
Now, since it's a stablecoin and it's pegged to the US dollar, that means it's one-to-one with the US dollar.
Now, what would happen if their dollar reserves held by various banks suddenly got liquidated?
Which is what happened with their dollar reserves that is deposited with Silicon Valley Bank or SVB.
They have 3.3 billion dollars deposited with SVB and now that SVB has collapsed, no one knows if Circle will be able to get their deposit of 3.3 billion dollars back.
And because of this panic, people are now selling their USDCs on the open market, collapsing the price of USDC and de-pegging it from the US dollar.
So instead of one-to-one, it's dropped to as low as 87 cents to the US dollar.
This is alarming. Now, people are wondering, will USDC have the same fate as the Tera USD or will it be able to survive this fiasco?
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