
SPECIAL EPISODE: Negosyong Gusto Mo - Kukuha ka ba ng KASOSYO!?
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Alamin ang mga dapat isaalang-alang kung ikaw ay makikipagsosyo sa negosyo? Bakit nga ba mahalaga na kilalanin ang ka-partner sa negosyo para magtagumpay ang business mo? Alam naman kasi natin that diving into a business partnership is a significant decision that requires careful consideration. In this informative video, we will explore the crucial factors you need to take into account before entering a business partnership. Why is it vital to get to know your potential business partner thoroughly? This question will be thoroughly discussed to shed light on its importance in ensuring the success of your business venture. Understanding your prospective business partner's values, work ethic, and long-term goals can profoundly impact the dynamics of your partnership. Compatibility in vision and values can lay the foundation for a harmonious and fruitful collaboration. Moreover, a strong partnership built on trust and mutual understanding can help navigate through challenges and maximize the business's potential
Chink Positive
Run time: 07:45
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Hindi na maganda ang magiging pagsasama niyo.
Dating magkaibigan, magkaaway na.
Dating magkamag-anak, nagsulihan na ng kandila.
Ayun nga, pagka nagkahiwala niya nga, ayun na.
Ayaway na talaga.
Baka ayun nga, umabot na na ng demaandahan.
Gusto mo ba magkaroon ng kasosyo sa negosyo?
Halika na, friends.
Halika, mag-partner tayo.
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