
Magkano Dapat Ang Sahudin Mo!? Usapang Sweldo!
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So magkano nga ba ang dapat mo sahudin gayong ikaw ang pinaka nagtatrabaho sa lahat? Pwede ba na pataasin pa ito o mas liliit pa ito kapag pinansin ko? Panoorin mo at tulungan ang iyong pitaka sa laban ng sahod! haha! Ever found yourself tangled in the intricate web of determining how much you should pay yourself as a business owner? Join us on a captivating journey as we unravel the secrets behind crafting a salary that not only nurtures your business but also empowers your personal dreams. Tune in, and let's not just talk numbers, but craft a future where you and your business flourish in sync. Hit that play button and embark on a melody of empowerment, growth, and prosperity! Sali na sa “JUAN NEGOSYANTE: Negosyo Now! Asenso Later!”  Online course and learn how to build your business from scratch. Ito pa, may ONE YEAR ACCESS pa! You can watch it anytime, anywhere for a very small amount! Register Now! Hurry and don't miss this out! Click here:
Chink Positive
Run time: 06:53
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