
Buying vs. Leasing vs. Financing a Car: What's the Best Option for You? | Chinkee Tan
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Looking to purchase a car pero ‘di ka pa sure kung dapat mo ba itong bilhin as lease, finance, o in cash? This video breaks down the pros and cons of each option to help you make an informed decision. By the end of this video, you'll have a better understanding of each option and be able to choose the one that best fits your needs and budget. Get your ipon box on my TikTok Shop. To visit my shop click this link: Please subscribe and watch the Diary of Pulubi Animated Series on my 2nd Channel To subscribe click here: #dreamcar #pambansangwealthcoach #iponbox #iponaryo #chinkpositive #chinkeetan #iponaryo #bawatpilipinoayiponaryo #pambansangwealthcoachngpilipinas #wealthy #helpingtobecomedebtfree #financialfreedom #money #rich #bestoption Watch our playlist! EARN: GROW: MANAGE:
Chink Positive
Run time: 09:28
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