
Coconut Macaroons | How to Make Macaroons | Panlasang Pinoy
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How to make Coconut Macaroons the Panlasang Pinoy way. View the blog post at Ingredients: 14 ounces (about 400 grams) Sweet Shredded Coconut (or Desecated Coconut) ½ cup butter ½ cup brown sugar 3 pieces raw eggs 14 ounces condensed milk Instructions: Place the butter in a big bowl and cream using a fork Add-in the brown sugar and mix well Add the eggs and condensed milk then stir/beat until all ingredients are blended Put-in the Sweetened Shredded Coconut and distribute evenly with the other ingredient in the mixture In a mold (with paper cups if possible), place 1 tablespoon of the mixture on each of the cups Pre-heat oven at 370 degrees Fahrenheit for 10 minutes Bake the Coconut Macaroon mixture for 20 to 30 minutes or until color turns golden brown. Serve during dessert or snack time. Share and Enjoy! More about me: My name is Vanjo Merano. I live in the Northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. I work as an IT professional, but cooking has
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 08:18
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