
Sinigang na Baboy with Gabi
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Sinigang na Baboy with Gabi is a popular Filipino soup dish. It has pork belly with vegetables such as okra, kangkong (ong choy), snake beans, onion, dikon radish, and taro. It is cooked in a sour broth. The souring agent is usually unripe tamarind. This recipe makes use of sinigang sa sampaloc mix, which is the powdered version of tamarind. Sinigang na baboy is best eaten with spicy fish sauce (this is also called patis in the Philippines). I scoop a few fish sauce using a spoon and pour it over the pork, and then eat it with rice. This sinigang version is special because of the taro. This ingredient is locally referred to as gabi. It helps make the soup thicker. This cooking video shows you in detail how to cook sinigang na baboy with gabi the Panlasang Pinoy way. Have fun watching the video and enjoy the food. Here is the complete recipe: Ingredients 2 lbs. pork belly, sliced into cubes 2 to 3 cups kangkong leaves 3 pieces long green chili pepper (siling pansigang) 2 ripe tomatoes, quartered 1 cup s
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 40:53
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