
[Panlasang Pinoy] How to Cook Fish Omelette (Filipino Tortang Dulong)
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This video shows you how to cook fish omelette or tortang dulong. I used a tiny variety of fish for this recipe. It is called dulong or silver fish. Visit for more recipes More about me: My name is Vanjo Merano. I live in the Northern suburbs of Chicago, Illinois. I work as an IT professional, but cooking has been my passion since I was a kid. I created Panlasang Pinoy (the blog and this youtube channel) to promote Filipino food and Filipino Cuisine to the world. Who shoots your video and who creates the recipes? I shoot all the videos myself and I write and develop my own recipes. What equipment do you use? I started the videos back in 2009 using a Pentax point and shoot camera. It is a priced possession because it helped me take this channel to where it is today. At present, I use Panasonic Hc-X920, Sony FDR-AX100 4K Ultra HD Camcorder, and Nikon D5. Learn more about me and my work by visiting Follow Panlasang Pinoy Follow me on IG: https:/
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 04:35
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