
Pork Sinigang | How to Cook Sinigang Panlasang Pinoy
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How to cook Pork Sinigang the Panlasang Pinoy way. View the blog post Ingredients 2 lbs pork belly (or buto-buto) 1 bunch spinach (or kang-kong) 3 tbsp fish sauce 1 bunch string beans (sitaw), cut in 2 inch length 2 pieces medium sized tomato, quartered 3 pieces chili (or banana pepper) 1 tbsp cooking oil 2 liters water 1 large onion, sliced 2 pieces taro (gabi), quartered 1 pack sinigang mix (good for 2 liters water) Instructions Heat the pot and put-in the cooking oil Sauté the onion until its layers separate from each other Add the pork belly and cook until outer part turns light brown Put-in the fish sauce and mix with the ingredients Pour the water and bring to a boil Add the taro and tomatoes then simmer for 40 minutes or until pork is tender Put-in the sinigang mix and chili Add the string beans (and other vegetables if there are any) and simmer for 5 to 8 minutes Put-in the spinach, turn off the heat, and cover the pot. Let
Panlasang Pinoy
Run time: 06:22
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