
Advanced Home workouts Para Sa Pwet & Hips | Philippines
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Hi Guys & Girls! Im back with another video para lumaki ang pwet & hips. Yung workout on this video ay medyo advanced ng konti from my other videos since kaylangan mo ng band. Yung band ay makakatulong mag create ng resistance habang nag fo focus ka sa mga workout. It creates confusion sa muscles which help the muscles to grow at a faster rate. Disclaimer: I'm not a doctor or an expert -Always keep in mind that these are techniques and exercises I have used in my own training programs. -What is right for me, may not be right for you depending on your health history. -Always consult with a certified professional or doctor before jumping into a new type of program. -You know your body best so don’t forget to show it some love by taking care of it. Instagram: Paano palakihin ang pwet Pampalaki ng Pwet Pwet Goals Paano palakihin ang pwet, balakang at hita Pwet Tips Pampalaki ng hita Paano tumaba Paano palakihin ang Balakang 500 time fire hydrant Filipina Fitness Eff
Run time: 20:06
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