
Rape through Sexual Assault (Article 266-A, paragraph 2 of the RPC, as amended by RA 8353)
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Rape under the RPC, as amended, can be committed in two ways 1:22 What are the elements of Rape through Sexual Assault? 2:30 How is Rape through Sexual Assault committed? 3:43 FIRST WAY OF COMMITTING SEXUAL ASSAULT: “by inserting his penis into another person’s mouth or anal orifice” SECOND WAY OF COMMITTING SEXUAL ASSAULT: “inserting any instrument or object into the genital (vaginal) or anal orifice of another person” 7:19 Question: X, through force, inserted his finger on the vaginal orifice of Y. What crime did X commit? 8:46 Question: X, using his tongue, licked the outer lip of Y’s vagina while the latter was unconscious. What crime is committed? 9:54 Question: What if X, using his tongue, licked the vaginal orifice itself? What crime is committed? 10:47 Distinctions between Rape through sexual intercourse and Rape through sexual assault 12:16
Fiscal EJ
Run time: 13:38
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