
Train for the unusual (Training episode 8.5) | vlog 80
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The ability to move or take the shot from an out of balanced position can be a very deadly weapon. In those moments while the offense is out of balanced, the defender is most probably not ready for an attack and that's the moment that we are trying to master. If you wait for the perfect timing for a perfect attack or a perfect shot, then you're like waiting for nothing. Nothing's perfect in the game. It's up to you on how you will make every situation perfect for your own advantage. If you train for the usual, then you'll be very limited. TRAIN FOR THE UNUSUAL AND YOU'LL SURELY HAVE MORE OPTIONS. #MavsWay For motivational and training video/stories, please follow us at INSTAGRAM: @mavsphenomenalbasketball @mavrickbautista
Coach Mav
Run time: 18:00
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