
Jessica Caloza EPISODE # 239 The Paco's Place Podcast
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Join us on the latest episode of the Paco's Place Podcast as we host Jessica Caloza, a trailblazing Filipino American public servant who is running for a seat in the State of California Assembly to represent the 52nd District. Discover what inspired her to pursue public office and learn about her impactful work for her constituents. Be part of this historic journey as we support Jessica in her quest to become the first Filipino woman to win a seat in the State legislature. Tune in now for an inspiring conversation with a true leader! #JessicaCaloza #PacoArespacochaga #pacosplace ABOUT JESSICA Jessica Caloza is a women’s rights advocate, immigrant, and daughter of working-class parents running for Assembly to fight for working families. Jessica worked for President Obama helping underfunded public schools get more resources. As L.A. Public Works Commissioner, Jessica expanded good-paying union jobs, raised wages for workers and required equal pay for women while increasing transparency and accountabilit
Paco's Place
Run time: 35:24
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Civic service, when did that come to you?
Why not ballet? Why not modeling?
Yeah, no. I mean, for me, government is what changed my family's life.
Using a lot of government programs.
Growing up, that's why I'm in this position and we've got to benefit from that.
Would you be our first Filipina elected official in the state?
I would be.
Would you want to be?
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