
BEST FREE ZOMBIE GAME - Deathly Stillness
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Run time: 16:19
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English Summary of Video (AI):
Here is a summary of the topics covered in the video, excluding any promotional content:

- The creator is on the lookout for new zombie games to play since they've played almost all available ones and asks for recommendations in the comments.
- They found a free zombie game on Steam called "Deathly Stillness," made by a single person, as noted in reviews and the game's description.
- The game features a variety of maps, including a dark mode, an unknown map that resembles "Backrooms," and a highway map.
- There's a character customization option with different clothing selections like jackets and cargo pants, reminiscent of a character in "Pitch Perfect."
- The game allows weapon selection and customization, specifically mentioning M416 and AK with changeable muzzles.
- The game impresses with high-quality graphics considering it's free, likened to "World War Z," which the creator also recorded playing before.
- There's no story-driven narrative; the objective is to clear the stage of zombies.
- The game offers an immersive experience with an atmospheric setting, not too realistic so that it remains game-like.
- Gameplay involves stealth elements, crouching, headshots, surprising zombie behavior, and a horde mechanic.
- The creator praises the game for details, graphics, sound, and ambiance, comparing it to "The Last of Us."
- The challenges include managing ammunition, facing different zombie types, navigating levels with several paths, and dealing with powerful boss-like zombies.
- The game mechanics include elements such as attracting zombies with noise (louder without a suppressor), dealing with hordes, and exploring environments including a village, dark alley, and Chinese-themed alley.
- The creator ends the session expressing high praise for the game, recommending it to viewers, and nostalgically comparing the experience to playing "Left 4 Dead" years ago.

The video concludes with the creator recommending the game as an enjoyable zombie game with a reminiscent feeling of "Left 4 Dead," mentioning that it's available for free on Steam and ending the session with a customary goodbye to the viewers.

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Patayin nyo, eh, tingnan natin makakakit ka
Wow, dire direcho, oh my goodness
Oh no!
Kamusta ka barkada?
At itong mga nakarang araw po ay naghahanap po ako
ng zombie game na malalaro
Paso, parang halos lahat na ata ng zombie game ay nalaro ko na
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