
"Trailblazer Kurt Jose: A Filipino-American's HISTORIC Run for US CONGRESS! | Episode # 247 πŸ‡ΊπŸ‡ΈπŸ‡΅πŸ‡­
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Welcome to Paco's Place Podcast, where we shine a light on the trailblazers and changemakers within our community! In this must-watch episode, we sit down with the dynamic Kurt Jose, an inspiring Filipino-American who is making waves in the political arena. With his eyes set on the 31st Congressional District of California, Kurt isn't just running a campaign; he's on a mission to make history as the first Filipino-American Congressman to represent California in Washington DC. πŸ—³οΈ Discover Kurt's Vision: Join us as we delve into Kurt's impactful platform, his motivations for stepping into the political ring, and the changes he envisions for the vibrant and diverse communities he aims to serve. 🌏 Embracing Heritage: Learn about how Kurt's Filipino roots have shaped his worldview and how he plans to bring a fresh perspective to the halls of Congress, championing the values and issues that matter most to Filipino-Americans and all constituents in his district. 🌐 Building Bridges: Kurt Jose is more t
Paco's Place
Run time: 01:06:32
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That's why for me, it's not even about party, it's about real solutions and getting it done.
At the end of the day, on what's reasonable and also how to rally support.
What district are you going to represent?
So I'm running in District 31, California's Congressional District.
And in 31, it comprises of 18 cities.
So it goes all the way from La Verne, all the way to West Covina, Covina, La Puente, El Monte,
even up to Baldwin Park and Azusa.
So it's a lot of cities.
And, you know, in that mix, there's a lot of Filipino people.
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